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Guam Driver's License Process (For First-Timers)

Last updated 01/12/2025

ATTENTION: Read everything thoroughly.

  • Must be at least 15 1/2 years old

  • After completion, get class certificate from school during business hours ONLY:

    • Monday to Satuday 10AM to 4PM (closed on holidays)​

    • No need to call it in. We print the certificate the day you come to the office. Anyone may get it for you and the student does not need to be present. Just bring ID of the student (picture is ok). Allowed: Passport, Green Resident Card, Guam ID, State ID, Military ID, Firearms ID, Naturalization Certification, or Birth Certificate

    • Map:

    • ALL original certificates do not expire. Reprints within 2 years will be charged a fee. No reprints allowed after 2 years, student must retake the class.

    • Handbooks sold at the office (Operator $5, Motorcycle $5, Chauffeur $10)

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APPLY AT DMV Barrigada for final written test at UOG

​How to apply at the DMV Barrigada? (2 ways)


  1. Walk-In Service

    • Monday to Friday 8 AM to 4 PM (Excluding holidays)​​
    • There will be a form you will need to fill out at DMV.
  2. Online appointment​
    • Not the best way as it is back logged and could be fully booked months in advance.

    • Create account & set appointment for driver's license here:

    • ​All online appointments are held at DMV Barrigada (DMV Agana closed permanently since July 2020).

    • The online appointment is NOT the written test day. It's the day you go to DMV to fill out forms. DMV will then assign you the written test day at UOG based on availability.


What to bring when you apply at the DMV?​


  • Fill out driver's license application form at DMV

  • Applicant must be present

  • Class certificate

  • ONE (1) Proof of Identity (originals only, no copies allowed)

    • ​List of acceptable I.D.s:

      • Guam ID, State ID, US Military ID, US Passport, Foreign Passport, Naturalization Certificate, Permanent Resident Card, Firearms ID

  • ONE (1) Proof of Social Security Number 

    • List of accetable documents:​​

      • Social Security Card​

      • W-2 or 1099 form issued in the last 5 years

      • Official Taxpayer Transcript issued by DRT

      • Denial letter from Social Security Administration due to ineligibility to receive a Social Security number or non-work status

  • Birth certificate (minors only, must be original, no copies allowed)

    • Minors who do not have another valid ID and only possess a birth certificate must apply at DMV for a Guam ID first and bring a mayor's verification.​

  • Guam FULLY licensed designated driver

    • FOR MINORS under 18 yrs. old: must be accompanied by either their mom/dad/legal guardian with a Guam Full License (if neither parents have a Guam Full License, must bring another Guam Full Licensed driver and a parent of the student must be present)

    • FOR ADULTS: must be accompanied by anyone 21 yrs. old or older with a Guam Full License

  • Need more info? Click this to access the DMV application form. No need to fill it out. You will fill it out at DMV.

What to bring to UOG on the day of the test?​


  • Schedule slip from DMV

  • $15 cash for written test fee (check the schedule slip where to pay for this on the day of your test)

  • ONE valid original I.D. (no copies)

  • Note:

    • There will be 40 questions on the final written test (only 8 mistakes allowed).​

    • Check written test results at

      • Please double check ALL uploaded exam results as your name might have been placed incorrectly on another file: Motorcycle, Operator, Chauffeur, Supplemental Results.

    • Results normally come out the following week Wednesday or Friday, at 12PM. (But this may change, check the slip received from UOG after taking the test for any updates)


  • Passed the UOG written test?

    • Pick up Permit License at DMV right away. ($10) Permits are usually available for pick up the day after results are released.
      (See 3 options below:)

      1. Click this to request for the Permit License sent through mail ​($13 total)

      2. Or set a DMV appointment online :

      3. Or do a walk-in to the DMV (Monday to Friday 8 AM to 4 PM)

        • Bring: $10 fee, valid original I.D., SS card, birth certificate (for minors only), class certificate, and designated driver​

  • Failed the UOG written test? 

    • Reschedule again anytime at DMV

    • No need to go back to school

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NOTE: Must be done within 2 years of the Permit License's validity

  • Must have permit license from DMV

  • Advance payment is required to schedule for road hours. Once paid, we will help you reserve a time slot. You may pay online or in-person.

  • Register & pay here.

  • Having some driving practice is recommended before scheduling for road hours.

  • Keep in mind, it's good to delay road hours closer to the road TEST so all lessons are fresh. If you have a learner's permit license, you may only apply for road TEST at 6 months or over of the permit's issuance date. 2nd Learner's Permit/Instructional Permit License holders may do road TEST anytime.

  • NOTE: Learner's permits are only valid for 2 years, on the other hand, Instructional permits are valid for 1 year. Road hours AND road test must be done before it expires or you will be required to take another written test.

  • DMV requires EVERYONE (first-timers and experienced drivers) to complete the road hours with a school before taking the road test. ​

  • After completion, receive road hours certificate from school.

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NOTE: Must be done within 2 years of the Permit License's validity

  • Must have road hours certificate AND class certificate

  • Learner's Permit License holder? May only schedule if permit license is 6 months or over

  • 2nd Learner's Permit/Instructional Permit License holder? May schedule ANYTIME

  • Traffic clearance required from any Guam Superior Court (dated within 30 days)

    • Not required for Instructional Permit holders

  • Must be accompanied by a Guam FULLY licensed designated driver

    • FOR MINORS under 18 yrs. old: must be accompanied by either their mom/dad/legal guardian

    • FOR ADULTS: must be accompanied by anyone 21 yrs. old or older 

    • Not required for Instructional Permit holders

  • 30 demerits allowed on the road test


  • Passed the road test? Pick up Intermediate License at DMV right away. (See 3 options below:)

    1. Click here to request for Intermediate License sent through mail ​($13 total)

    2. Or set a DMV visit appointment online​:

    3. Or do a walk-in to the DMV (Monday to Friday 8 AM to 4 PM, excluding holidays)

      • Bring: valid original I.D., SS card, birth certificate (minors only), Permit License, class certificate, road hours certificate, road test certificate & scoresheet, traffic clearance from Superior Court (dated within 30 days), designated driver​, $10 fee​

      • Instructional Permit License holders do not need a traffic clearance or a designated driver


  • Failed the road test? Reschedule again anytime for road test ONLY. No need to redo road hours class.​

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  • May only pick up at DMV if Intermediate License is 1 year or over (See 3 options below:)

    1. Click here to request a NON-REAL ID driver's license sent through mail ($13 total)

    2. Or click here to schedule an online appointment to visit DMV to pick up a REAL-ID or a NON-REAL ID driver's license

    3. Or do a walk-in to the DMV (Monday to Friday 8 AM to 4 PM, excluding holidays) DMV's latest time to process real-id licenses is at 2 PM

      • Bring: valid orignal I.D., SS card, birth certificate (minors only), Intermediate License, traffic clearance from Superior Court (dated within 30 days)​, $10 fee, mayor's verification letter from Mayor's office (for real-id license only)

  • Need more info? Click this to access the DMV application form. No need to fill it out. You will fill it out at DMV.




Those who are NOT first-time license holders should consult with the DMV Guam before enrolling in any classes. They update their policies without notice.

Driving schools only offer classes and tests and should not be relied upon for advice.



Search for forms under the Motor Vehicle Division:


Online Appointment Scheduling:



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